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Now that’s good eating!

Saturday, May 22, 2010 , Posted by LetzWave at 10:01 AM Now that’s good eating!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Hadaka Sushi is a restaurant set on the Sunset Strip, Los Angeles, where rich people can serve delicious sushi right off human platters. The art of arranging pieces raw fish on naked human bodies is known as Nyotaimori (which translates as “female body arrangement”) and it is a very old Japanese tradition, so old its origins are unknown.

Not anybody can afford such an extravagant meal, the model alone costs $1100 and the food is extra. But it appears there are plenty of people out there willing to pay such a price, some of them even asked for male model as platters and the restaurant obliged. Although not the first “naked sushi” restaurant in America, it is the first, and so far only, one in LA. And think it’s going to be a hit, because, as the owner says, “sex sells, especially on the Strip”.

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